Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Tonight is the deadline for the submission of the Rank Order List (ROL). To be exact, 9PM EST. I have certified my ROL on 02/08 and once you do that the status on your ROL page at the NRMP web becomes CERTIFED ROL. Since then I have frequented my NRMP account just to make sure those words did not turn into a different color.  Because only "certified" ROL will be used for the match. Yes. I am paranoid, obsessive-compulsive, crazy, you name it. BUT not once did I change my rank order. So that's an accomplisment.

Then comes the agonizing wait until March 15 when the results of the matching comes out. However, I wouldn't even know then where I have been matched. The result merely tells me whether I have been matched or not. Unfilled positions will be released the next day so people who have not been matched can apply to these positions. This is called The Scramble. This can be VERY tricky though because this is a game of who submits their application first. My hubby will be taking that day off from work just in case I need to scramble for dear life. Then on March 18 the real results of the match will be released: which program I have been matched to. This whole match thing can be complicated but I do believe in its integrity. If you really want something you have to go through a whole lot of something too ;)

To be honest, I like all the programs on my list. I would be happy to match with any of them. It took me 9 days to figure out my ROL but I am quite happy with my decision. Let's just hope my #1 program ranked me high enough ;) The program director said he would but....I can't rely on anything at this point but God. It's all up to Him now. I have done my part. And no matter which program I ranked which, at the end of the day, God's will will still prevail.

Good luck to all the players of The Match! This is a very exciting and yet frustrating game ;)

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