Wednesday, November 10, 2010

8 months and counting

WOW! I'm already 34 weeks today. Time flies soooo fast. I still remember the conversation I had with my husband about adopting, thinking that I would never have the priviledge of carrying my own child. Now in a matter of 4-6 weeks I'll be holding her in my arms. It's still overwhelming sometimes to think about the miracle we have received from God. Sometimes I still can't believe it's happening. But it is. And right now, I feel like the luckiest girl alive :)


  1. Lilac,

    Congratulation for the new coming baby. It is a good feeling. I hope you are doing well in your rotations.


  2. Hi Lilac!
    Congrats hope u ve u r baby already by this time wish u luck to u and u r family :)
